Less cash more online payments and cheques

Apparently for the first time we are spending less physical cash and using “virtual” payments more. I am surprised it has taken this long, to be honest. Why would you want to use cash? It helps you to budget.  When you are out of money and the wallet is...

Words for your business – passwords

Passwords are the unsung word heroes of your business. We don’t notice them, unless they don’t let us pass. Who would have thought that the word “password” is used as a password?  It brings to mind some fiendish plot on behalf of the...

Bright shiny technology object : new printer

My new printer operates in ways I didn’t even know could be useful.  It will print on one side or two, and can format pages into a booklet.  So now I am wondering how I can use a booklet in my business, where no booklet thoughts had existed before. I am even wondering...