Latest WordPress update (3.1) called Reinhardt

WordPress release 3.1 Reinhardt I am about to check out the latest WordPress release but have been distracted by the fact that it is called Reinhardt.  How wonderful that the people at wordpress like music! I am so delighted that it is called Reinhardt (after Django...

Book lovers turning to Kindle?

Image via Wikipedia Are you a book lover?  Does the smell, the feel of the book in your hand, the joy of just looking at the covers  please you even before you have read a word?  If yes, you are definitely a book lover. Me too. Have you bought a Kindle? Or have...

End of the month emails

One of the end-of-the-month jobs that I had identified was the clearing out of email. I have just done a gentle purge of last month’s inbox and discovered a few that I had not read, including one person who is keen to come to my blogging workshop on...

WordPress permalinks

I changed the Permalinks setting. (Settings on the dashboard for WordPress 2.7.1) The default is number based eg p=15. The alternative straightforward options for “pretty” permalinks include a date reference – either day or month – and the name...