The new regulations for the Ultra Low Emission Zone have come into effect.  If you wonder whether you have to pay technology has come to the rescue.

Diesels over 4 years old and petrol cars over 13 years old will have to pay £ 12.50 per day to drive in the existing congestion charge area in London.

If you had listened to the government and bought a diesel car a few years ago because you thought you were helping the environment – it is tough.  I have a few friends who did just that.  New scientific facts have come to light and in fact you were not helping at all.

Checking the age of your car – excellent use of technology

jean wolfe ulezI have a second hand car and cannot immediately recall when it was born. I wan’t present at the birth so the date is not very important to me.

However it is extremely easy to find out as the technology is good.  But first I did have to get over my initial concern that my car ownership habits are on a vast array of databases.

I was then able to steel myself to go to the transport for london website and check whether I had to pay or not.   In fact it is much easier than going to find the right file and looking up the date.

I discovered I do not have to pay which is a good short term result.  In the long term it has made me value the importance of having an up to date car with low emissions.  Improving the air quality in London is of vital importance.

Good technology is a great help.