In February when the Times published a guide to the Top 50 celebrities on twitter Stephen Fry was number one with 98,616 followers.

A moment ago when I checked he had 747,736.

The online world has grown rapidly over the last six months so it is not surprising – however the rate of the growth is amazing..

Stephen Fry’s profile at the moment begins with the words British Actor which certainly would encourage British people to follow him, but it is probably the description  “Prince of Swimwear” which makes his profile difficult to leave unfollowed!

I suggest to new twitterers that Stephen Fry should be on their list of must-follows (especially if you are in the UK)  Even if they are on twitter for business reasons twitter is all about being a person, and having fun.  Stephen Fry is a good individual to have in your following icons,  and you are likely to enjoy reading his posts!

You can watch his new series on television about endangered species, and once you and he are following each other,  you can tweet and are likely to get a reply.  Look at his twitter profile and you will see what I mean.

The golden  rules for lesser mortals on twitter: 1. Write interesting fun or valuable information, 2. Take the time to communicate with your followers and others, 3. (A bit harder but completely achievable)  Be well known.

In fact 1 and 2 can lead to 3.

Once you are well known for being the best or most popular in your field just keep on with 1 and 2.

Go now!