Facebook, Inc.
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Research is showing that internet social networks are becoming viewed as “Entertainment” and second only to television.

According to Edelman the public relations company that carried out the research on 1,000 people in the US and the UK seventy-three percent of 18-24 year olds in the US and 61 percent in the UK see social networks as a form of entertainment.

Among the older age group the figures were lower but still over half the researched population: 50 percent (US) and 56 percent (UK) of respondents aged 35-49 also consider social networking sites as a form of entertainment. Despite the growth of social entertainment, consumers do not currently identify Internet brands as entertainment companies.

Youtube is a social networking site and has wall to wall entertainment if that is what you want .. and of course games are very popular on Facebook – particularly Farmville and Zooworld.

Perhaps in the wider perspective the barriers between what is entertaining and what is not are coming down.  After all “Work” and “Home” have become synonymous for many solo entrerpreneurs.

More on the research

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