96 million UK Internet visits to online retailers totalled 13 million hours shopping online on Boxing Day 2011.

This was a sales record for online retail in the UK, according to Experian Hitwise.

kindle sales record

Kindle in more women's hands

Sales of Kindles and iPads were the most searched-for items:

  • According to YouGov stats, roughly 1.2m Kindles were given as gifts in the UK this Christmas, meaning 1 in 40 adults either gave or received the e-readers as a gift.
  • In total 1.33m e-readers were given away, with Kindles swallowing up 92% of the market share.
  • 61% of Kindles were received by women, with over 55 year olds twice as likely as 18-24 year olds to receive one.
  • 640,000 tablets were given as gifts to adults, with the iPad dominating the market with 72% of sales.

What does this mean for your business?  If ipads and Kindles are being bought in large quantities there must be money available.  The second question is what is being read and are you in a position to benefit?