The joy of a good conversation

The joy of a good conversation

Have you had conversations about all the upheavals in the political situation? Conversations about the current political situation can be fraught.  You can sometimes have a really satisfying conversation with a stranger for a few minutes, but the conversation with the...
Bright shiny object syndrome?  Don’t fight it

Bright shiny object syndrome? Don’t fight it

Bright shiny object syndrome is often experienced by entrepreneurs and business owners.  I know I have it! It is not about acquiring cars, yachts, jewellery, or extra houses. No it is about the things that could genuinely turn our business life around. A new piece of...

Digital Nomad lifestyle

Digital Nomad anyone? Nomadic tribes move with their flocks and have no fixed abode.  The new Hunter-Gatherer has decided to leave the crops. He or she – or they – earn money and support a lifestyle while on the move. The development of wifi in particular...
Sue Townsend a woman I admire

Sue Townsend a woman I admire

I once had a wonderful conversation with Sue Townsend the author on a ferry.  It was at the end of a course on writing which she had taught and I attended. You don’t have to know somebody for a long time to know if you admire them. We were travelling from the...

Mother’s Day – for a Day or a Lifetime?

Mother’s Day doesn’t mean mothers aren’t loved or noticed on other days.  Nor does it mean they are not loved and acknowledged if there is no card, or present, visit or phone call. Does it matter if birthdays or wedding anniversaries are forgotten?  If there are no...