finding the big idea

Where is the big idea?

If you are a small business – or a solo entrepreneur – you may think your big idea is your product or your service.

You have spent a long time getting the design right, getting it manufactured, or creating a one off face to face experience that your clients love, or even a programme.

Or you may have decided you could reach far more people with an online course so you can make more difference.  This has taken a lot of time and effort and you are justly proud of it.

But is it your big idea?  No. Your big idea comes from something far more nourishing.

How to find your big idea

If it has not occurred to you that you have a big idea, you may be being very busy. Busyness can get you through the day but it won’t ultimately satisfy you. When you look back at the end of the month, the year, the decade the busyness with be less important than your big idea.

Give yourself the luxury of a 15 minute break, something to drink, pen and paper, no phone or internet, and ask yourself a question.  This should help you to stop just being busy for 15 minutes and connect with something that is fulfilling.

Ask yourself “why am I creating this product, this service”?

Answer it with Because …… and ramble round the answer.  You may have lots of ideas so get them all out of you.

When you have finished your line of thought add in “so that”….and go off on more explorations of what it is all about for you.

Keep on saying” So that” and filling in the response until you feel you have reached something complete and satisfying.

Then just sit for a few more minutes and let your answers settle inside you.

Over the next few days notice notice notice what conversations you have with people, what you overhear, or see, or what other ideas come into your head.  Collect them and add them to your ideas.   Don’t force your ideas but let them develop.