Your blog is a gateway to your readers

  Your blog is a gateway to your readers.  They don’t want to get to the gate they want to go through it and have a fantastic journey. In fact they don’t really want the journey at all they just want what they want at the end of it. What is that? The solution to...

Reading on the Kindle – Dickens’ “Bleak House”

“Bleak House” progress report. Normally I enjoy reading, but tend to do so at the end of the day.  and if the book is Because this is a big complex book I have had a completely different approach to my normal reading.  How is it working out? 1.  Yes the...

Traditional Japanese way of business

My brother has been working in a traditional Japanese business. He came back to the UK after the recent tsunami, and has now returned. I have just heard that his apartment is still standing and he has electricity.  This is particularly good as he is in the Fukushima...