Happy 15th birthday Google! I am enjoying the interactive doodle.  Thanks.

Google's 15th birthday doodle

use your space bar to enjoy Google’s 15th birthday doodle.

Like any 15 year old teenager Google is continually reinventing itself.  The latest evolution is – like most teenagers – in search of more meaning.

The latest update is called Hummingbird and is apparently an attempt to improve searching on the web for more complex ideas.  The old days of a keyword or two leading to a relevant search result have long gone.

From a marketing perspective it is interesting to note how Google is making use of “friendly” branding to encourage us to warm to the latest developments.

A hummingbird is a beautiful, tiny bird.  It is rare in that it is the only bird capable of flying backwards and with an incredible number of wing beats per second.  No threat but something to marvel at.

What do you think of Pandas?  They look soft warm and cuddly and so appealing when young.  We love to see them in the zoo and on video.

Penguins look quirky and engaging in their black suits with their staccato walk.  They are tough, live where very few life forms can flourish and yet have almost-human qualities.

Who could possibly take offence at an update called “Panda” or “Penguin”?

Do you remember the “Caffeine” update? Caffeine as a brand has a harsher and more artificial feel.

It is as though the teenager has slammed the bedroom door and later reappears all smiles with a petition to save the planet. How can you resist?

Good branding, Google.