Vintage and retro clothing is extremely popular, and my guest on the radio this week Rebecca McWattie is an expert.
She sells vintage and retro-inspired clothing at her website StopTrafficClothing. Rebecca certainly stopped the traffic on the airwaves at 2 o’clock on a Friday afternoon. Tim, my fellow presenter, commented that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and repeated this on his show a few times. Phone calls in agreement came into the studio as people looked in on the webcam…
I resolved there and then to put on a bit of lipstick in future and do something with my hair and wardrobe! No man has ever reacted to me in that way but Rebecca is used to it. When I asked her if it was a bit daunting she that she simply enjoys the compliments.
[Entrepreneur expert Tip Number 1: be authentic and present the end result of your product or service]
Rebecca is a really lovely person so we had a great interview, and she is a shining example of an entrepreneur moving from enthusiast to expert. Her website has been on line for only a year, but of course she has been fascinated by retro fashions for ever. When she was younger she decided to not read books or involve herself in anything that happened after 1907 (and she was only 14 at the time!). Her initial inspiration was Helena Bonham Carter’s wardrobe in the film “A Room with a View”.
[Expert Entrepreneur tip Number 2: be genuinely fascinated with your subject so that your work and life is fulfilling.]
Sales of lipstick are up in the recession, and everywhere you look there are pencil-shaped dresses and skirts – even on the high street. We discussed the impact of the recession, and Rebecca’s view was that in a time of “war” we all want to do something to look better. Putting on lipstick before going out in the morning is an inexpensive way to boost your mood.
[Expert entrepreneur tip No 3: find your expertise in a growing market].
Rebecca has got her news and opinion out to a wide audience. She regularly writes for Vintage Life magazine (which is becoming available in mainstream outlets) contributing “Get the look” articles, and theatre reviews. Her next piece is on Lauren Bacall. She also writes for a number of online publications, and has contributed over 100 articles which have been published by others this year.
[Expert entrepreneur tip No 4: contribute articles regularly to publications and blogs read by your audience]
There’s no place like home: Rebecca has 15,000 likes for her facebook page, personal accounts with facebook, twitter and Linked In, as well as her newsletter, blog and website, where people can find out more about her take on retro and vintage fashions, and also buy vintage-inspired clothing.
[Expert entrepreneur tip number 5: use social media to express your personality, and to drive internet traffic where you want it to go.]
Listen to a clip from the interview with me, Jean Wolfe, on the Biz Buzz Show on Marlow FM. Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and how Rebecca McWattie markets her business.