Spam is getting more creative! I have just received 20 spam comments which Akismet (the WordPress anti-spam device) has let through its filter, and presented to me to delete or approve.
When I read the first one I was not sure if it was spam.
It started with a feel good quote. I am completely in favour of feel-good quotes – in fact my daily quote from The Universe via Mike Dooley does a lot to brighten my day. But this quote had more of the hard-core persistence I find with some people on twitter.
Then after the quote was a brief personal “story” eg I am [name] and I live in [interesting country].
Then the appeal “I am also learning English please help me / is my English correct in this sentence”
Then a sentence about something slightly unpleasantly medical – a few were fungal related – nothing pornographic – but just enough to put you off your morning coffee.
However I did find them more interesting than the spam comments which just throw a bunch of words at the wall to see if any will stick.
In fact I almost wanted them to be from authentic people which proves the amazing power of stories even in spam! We all love stories, and are wired to listen to them.
The only other good thing about attracting more interesting spam then this blog must be worth spamming! As Oscar Wilde would have said if he were alive today ” There’s only one thing worse than getting spam, and that is having a blog that is not getting spam at all.”