The Advertising Standards Authority is to become the industry watchdog for websitesp from March 1st 2011.

They will be watching for advertising that is not legal, decent, honest and truthful.

asa to regulate websites

Advertising Standards Authority

One of the subjects of the ad campaign highlights the companies we love to hate who advertise a very low air fare, and then build in layer upon layer of additional expense.  So the £ 39 airfare can double or triple by the time that the return journey, check in, insurance, baggage handling – and goodness knows what else is loaded into the price.

Find out more about the ASA

It won’t just be big business who is affected.  Even small and medium sized businesses who are already legal, honest, decent and truthful may find additional transparency is required.  In the USA last year’s changes from the FTC – the regulatory body – have meant that internet marketers are openly declaring affiliate links that might result in financial gain, as well as providing disclaimers for earnings opportunities.

Time to re-appraise wording on websites.