The incompetence of MP’s to understand that money does not only not grow on trees, but has to be accounted for, and should be spent with some degree of integrity is amazing to most small business owners.

We fill in our tax return forms, use accountants to verify our records (all out of our own time and expense) and then send the results to the tax office.

MP’s seem to be only capable of throwing a bunch of receipts together and not knowing if they made sense or not.

If they were running a business (and not just the country) they would have had to decide some fairly exciting expense codes to account for their spending…moats, DVD’s and additional houses. They would also have to learn the tax system and not just administer it.

My jaw dropped the most at Jack Straw’s explanation for his poor book-keeping which was that he was not an accountant.

Try telling that to those friendly tax men next time you send in your tax return!