I have asked numerous women around the time of International Women’s Day which women inspire them. In most cases there was quite a silence while the answer was searched for. I felt it could be inspirational to record the results.
The only people who responded immediately quoted somebody in their family. Everyone else took a few minutes to think about their reply.
Four women immediately mentioned women in their own family. ” My mum because she is a fab personal and a nice lady”. Alison Mahoney (memorabilia framing)
“My grandmother because she always told me I was beautiful, and now 30 years later I still remember her every time I have a decision to make, and wonder what her advice would have been.” Jacqueline Rogers (The Athena Network)
“My sister, who was the first female orthopaedic surgeon in New South Wales”, was chosen by Vikki Cook.
“My mother who has always been there for her four children and many grandchildren”. Alison Sellers
Margaret Thatcher was mentioned by quite a few people who had also seen the film The Iron Lady. Karen Savage (interior designer) mentioned her courage as she was such a leader in politics, Jeannette Warr (physiotherapy clinic) said that she was one of the few business studies students (5 women out of a total of 56) at the same time that Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister; later when she got her first job for a large retailer women were forbidden to wear trousers. PJ van Zetten (trevel counsellor) also cited Mrs Thatcher.
The Queen was chosen by Jenny Ojakovoh (homeopath) for her dignity and commitment to her principles. Nigella Lawson was chosen by Jenny Phillips (Nutritionist) “for her unashamed enjoyment of food”, Anita Roddick was chosen by Romi Carr (style consultant) and J K Rowling by Jenny Kay (photographer), Vivienne Westwood by Vanessa Emery (graphic designer) , Julia Margaret Cameron the first British female photographer by Jo Scott (photographer) Mary Kay Ash the founder of Mary Kay cosmetics by Vanessa Stottor (Mary Kay), Madonna by Ute Wieczorek-King “because she has reinvented herself so many times”, Joan Collins by Inge Lise Howarth (kinesiologist) because she “looks fantastic and has a great sense of humour, if I look like her when I am that age I shall be happy.”
Who inspires you?