The Climate change summit in Copenhagen will affect us all, and we have to hope that concerted action will be taken. So often in the media we hear about the warring parties and the lack of agreement, but maybe this time it will be different.
I was encouraged to read WorldVision’s blog from Copenhagen which was enthusiastic about how much is being achieved in the more southern countries of the world, such as Mali. There the village women have managed to make a real difference to climate change.
World Vision is one of the charities I support. I do so with regular giving which goes directly to a boy who has written to me and I to him, and the money I provide not only helps him but also touches his community. His mother has recently died and it is good to know that my support can really make a difference.
One way to influence people is to deal in shock tactics and fear – and usually this more heavy handed approach is effective at a small business level as well as when dealing with governments. However the more long-lasting way is to be an organisation – a company a brand – that exudes positive values and is a pleasure to be with. Good customer service, relevant information, courtesy, a can-do attitude which builds trust and loyalty over the long-term.
From a marketing perspective World Vision look after me with information and interesting ways that I can maintain contact. Their dealings with me are very personal and related to the boy I support. They have sent a Christmas Card for me to send off, and – quite naturally – have asked for additional funds. I like to support organisations that – as the song says – accentuate the positive. Reading the blog from World Vision at the conference helps me to feel that my principles are allied to theirs. This is likely to encourage me to remain a supporter.
If your business does deal in shock and problems it can be a good way to create attention, but it is not sustainable. For long-term good relations with clients or supporters it is better to offer a wonderful service and treat them well with courtesy and relevant information.