How does Valentine’s Day feel for you?

Valentine’s Day advertising implies that flowers, chocolates, cards, pink fizzy drinks, a lovely meal and/or another person will “make” you happy.  Of course Valentine’s Day advertising is to get you to buy something.  But we do tend to think that we need some...

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Words for your business – passwords

Passwords are the unsung word heroes of your business. We don't notice them, unless they don't let us pass. Who would have thought that the word "password" is used as a password?  It brings to mind some fiendish plot on behalf of the unscrupulous organisation which is...

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Bright shiny technology object : new printer

My new printer operates in ways I didn’t even know could be useful.  It will print on one side or two, and can format pages into a booklet.  So now I am wondering how I can use a booklet in my business, where no booklet thoughts had existed before. I am even wondering...

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World Book Night UK and Ireland – apply now

You can apply to be a giver simply by going to the site looking at the books, making your choice and then applying to give them away on 23rd April. You get three choices, as obviously some books are better known that others and more likely to be chosen. The questions are brief and it will only take a moment or two.

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Young Apprentice winner chosen by Lord Sugar

The winner of the Young Apprentice was revealed on the BBC  last night. Lord Sugar really impressed me with his courtesy to the finalists who are all 16 - 17.  He mentioned more than once that he was privileged to have worked with them.  What a fantastic example of...

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