Less cash more online payments and cheques
Apparently for the first time we are spending less physical cash and using "virtual" payments more. I am surprised it has taken this long, to be honest. Why would you want to use cash? It helps you to budget. When you are out of money and the wallet is empty you...
What can business learn from the General Election?
What can business learn from the General Election? Despite all predictions that this would be a close run election and difficult to predict, in fact one party has done much better than the others. So what can we learn as business owners? People don’t do what they say...
Winner of the BBC Big Painting Challenge – Paul Bell
Are you an artist? Would you like to become one? Winning a television competition is an excellent way to kickstart your career. It sounds like an improbable dream but it happened for Paul Bell. Paul was an amateur artist when he entered the competition and - since...
Profit from success and failure
Whenever we want to move forward it is vital to look back as well. At the start of a new phase - a new year, a new quarter, a new month a new day- time spent reflecting helps to create bigger changes for the future. Success The first thing to do is to look at your...
Looking back on the year ask yourself this question
Looking back on the year is the first important step in creating what happens in the New Year. This was recorded by Jean Wolfe for the Biz Buzz show on Marlow FM 97.5 . Reproduced by kind permission of MarlowFM.
Reality TV shows conclude
The weeks leading up to the end of the year are always full of TV shows coming to an end. In addition to a drama series of, say, 12 parts we have the added excitement of reality television. Strictly Come Dancing and The X Factor are approaching their finale, I am a...