ada lovelace away motivationAda Lovelace was born in 1815.  She is credited with developing the first computer code and liaised with Charles Babbage over his “analytical engine”.  Until fairly recently Babbage won all the plaudits for developing the idea of a computer and Ada Lovelace had been overlooked.

Now however she is commemorated in AdaLovelaceDay on October 9th and is a strong female role model for young women to enter the STEM disciplines of Science Technology Engineering and Maths.

Ada Lovelace Background

Ada Lovelace did not have a father who interested her in his scientific experiments.  She probably rarely saw him.  Her father was the poet Byron who  had a justified reputation as a rake and womaniser.  So her mother decided that she should be taught science and maths as a defence against her father’s influence.

I do not believe that my father was (or ever could have been) such a Poet as I shall be an Analyst; (& Metaphysician).  Ada Lovelace

“Away from” motivation

In modern psychology this is known as “away from” motivation.  The situation you find yourself in is not acceptable so you want to get away from it and find something better.  We often tend to think that the hand we have been dealt in life is unfair or makes life harder.  “If I had more money I could… If my parents had treated me better …  If I were cleverer / younger / more attractive I could …..”

Rather than feeling disadvantaged by the current situation the wish to get away from it can give us the push we need to make things better.

The fact that the daughter of the most famous – and notorious-  British poet was a pioneer in computer technology is inspirational.  A lesson not just for girls from non-scientific backgrounds who want to become scientists and engineers, but artists from non-artistic backgrounds poets and musicians, entrepreneurs and in fact for anyone who is making a life choice which may not be considered “normal” by those around.   Bravo Ada Lovelace.