golden flowers at olympic park

wild flowers at London 2012 olympics

My visit to London 2012 and the Olympic Park was thoroughly enjoyable but the unexpected highlight were the wild flowers.

Acres of land were given over to wild flowers which were almost knee high and had been planted from seed.  The wild flowers helped to break up the more formal harsh shapes on the park, and were a complete delight to see.

But they made an important contribution to the stated aim of inspiring a generation.  More formal planting with precise shapes would not have conveyed such a strong message of inclusion, value and nurturing which is all part of the legacy.  On the day in the Olympic Park they helped me to feel at home as a visitor.

In the overall scheme of London 2012 the wild flowers were certainly not the most important element.  But combined with all the factors from world records, courage and skill from the athletes, heartbreak, the happiness of the volunteers and the support and enthusiasm of the crowd, the wild flowers added a final note of authenticity that these were games for us all.

The message for businesses is that it is often the attention to detail and to the smaller elements which help to break down sceptisism and create confidence.

It could be worth spending some time thinking about the equivalent of wild flowers in your business,   Some detail you may have overlooked – the flowers on your desk, the pen you write with, the questionnaire for your clients, follow up material, any bonuses – could be  far more important for the perception of your brand than you realised.

The gold flowers here of course help you to think of gold medals. Other areas were blue or purple, some white but the colour palette was quite restricted which added to the effect.  Beautiful!

golden flowers at olympic park

golden flowers at olympic park